Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Food Funny

I guess I could call myself a foodie. Let's face it, I like to eat, I love to cook and it's no wonder I am a loyal follower of Weight Watchers. I thoroughly enjoy cooking for people and having people at my house for a meal. I also enjoy leaving my house to eat. It doesn't matter to me if I am heading to a restaurant or to family's house.

My sister married into an Italian family and you cannot walk into their house without being offered many things to eat; so imagine my surprise and delight when we went there last week and my 2 year old nephew asked, "Kathie, did you eat?" "Chris, did you eat?" I am guessing he heard his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles say it many times over. The next generation foodie is starting early.

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Sesame Ginger Chicken Lettuce Wraps

 I am adding this recipe even though it has maple syrup in it.  I am not a fan of maple syrup.  I find it to be sickeningly sweet.  I may ad...