Friday, July 9, 2010

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream!!!

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted an ice cream maker but I never wanted to spend the money for one and they always seemed like so much work. A couple of weeks ago, I got a great deal on a Cuisinart ice cream maker from Amazon. Now you know I couldn't just rely on the recipes that came with the machine so I also ordered Ben & Jerry's recipe book. I figure those guys know what they are doing. LOL Now I am not exactly cranking out Cherry Garcia or Chunky Monkey just yet but my first attempt resulted in something the consistency of a Fudgsicle. I didn't use the whole milk and heavy cream as called for in the recipe but the books say you can adjust your cream, milk and sugar to your desired level of fat/sugar and you'll just be adjusting the creaminess of your ice cream.

So we'll eat this batch and try something different next time. In a few weeks time, hopefully I'll be able to make something that would make old Ben and Jerry proud.

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Sesame Ginger Chicken Lettuce Wraps

 I am adding this recipe even though it has maple syrup in it.  I am not a fan of maple syrup.  I find it to be sickeningly sweet.  I may ad...